I'd had the previous blog design for almost a year and a half and there were things that just weren't right about it for me. My photos have improved drastically since I started blogging and my theme hadn't caught up with me. I decided to have a look around to see if there were any themes I liked and in the spare of the moment I installed this one. I wanted more of a magazine vibe to my blog, to reflect my dedication to it and to move forward into a new chapter with it. 

I've wanted to become a full time blogger for around 6 months now and this was me putting my step forward into making it happen. Although financially it couldn't sustain everything I'm hoping for in the next few years, I'm determined to make this a daily blog. I'm currently working on some exciting collaborations and projects over the next month or two and already have some of October's blog posts planned out so I have my game face on! I really hope you like my new theme and will stay tuned to see what's in store here.

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